Workshop - Appreciate the Work - Julian Winn
Being appreciated is a fundamental human need. Recognising and appreciating people for positive contributions to the business can be clearly shown to drive up people engagement, create a positive culture and deliver improved business results.
Senior management often undervalue recognition and struggle with how to approach the subject. At the same time, there is a strong desire to improve people engagement and performance. Reward and recognition are often mentioned in the same breath, but in reality are very different things. Values and desired behaviours are also a fundamental part of this thinking, helping to inform when recognition should be given.
In this session we will discuss successful approaches to people recognition, some of the potential pitfalls and examples of how recognition systems can be introduced into the workplace.
It’s been 14 years since Julian Winn joined The Manufacturing Institute – having worked as both a lean and principal practitioner for dozens of different businesses on behalf of our charity.
Drawing on a deep understanding of the cultural aspects of change management and how to move people towards their goals, Julian is highly experienced in motivating different teams across all kinds of companies (including health, food & drink, aerospace, print & packaging, electronics, construction).